23 May, 2018

Non-Operating Holding Companies (NOHCs) – Do You Really Know Them?

By |2018-05-23T22:00:42+10:00May 23, 2018|Case Study, Education|

In Australia, the fixed income market, especially the exchange-traded part that is available to retail investors, is dominated by well-established, household name issuers such as the major banks and other large financial services companies.  Whilst retail investors are usually quick to identify an issuance from a household name issuer, many, if not all, tend to overlook a fundamental question: Who [...]

23 May, 2018

Fund Management Strategy: Passive vs Active

By |2018-05-23T21:00:49+10:00May 23, 2018|Education|

Within the fund management sector, funds are generally categorised as active or passive depending on how actively the fund is being managed and whether it is aiming to outperform the market or more simply to closely mimic market performance. For example, the Vanguard Australian Shares Index Fund (VAS) is designed to track the ASX 300 benchmark performance over the long-term [...]