14 Feb, 2018

Cycle Predictors: The VIX vs Credit Spreads

By |2018-02-14T22:10:56+11:00Feb 14, 2018|Education, Market Commentary|

Last week, global equity markets experienced a severe sell-off which originated for the US following better than expected wage inflation data. While this is generally an indication of a strengthening underlying economy, equity investors were spooked of the idea that the era of easy month (and hence the return of a free flowing economy) was coming to an end. As [...]

14 Feb, 2018

The Art and/or Science of Price Discovery

By |2018-02-14T21:57:07+11:00Feb 14, 2018|Case Study, Education|

One of the fundamental functions of capital markets is to determine an appropriate pricing of risk – the process of finding that magical equilibrium where the capital surplus suppliers and the capital deficit demand side are mutually agreeable, representing the fair cost of capital, given all the available information. That is the theory anyway. In practice, determining an appropriate price [...]