17 Jan, 2018

Attribution Basics: Dissecting Hybrid Returns

By |2021-09-24T10:43:37+10:00Jan 17, 2018|Education, Hybrids|

In the realm of financial markets, a key topic of interest for many investors is performance attribution. Specifically, this refers to the individual components that form a security, portfolio or market’s total return over a pre-set time period. Depending on the required granularity of one’s analysis, the components can be broken down into many factors which can then be utilised [...]

17 Jan, 2018

The Looming Rising Interest Rate Environment

By |2018-01-17T23:10:14+11:00Jan 17, 2018|Education|

The official cash rate, mostly because of low wages and poor economic growth, has been standing at 1.5% for 17 months in a row. This does provide organisations with incentives to raise capital at conducive borrowing costs but also depresses investors’ interest income and principle upside risks. However, with the domestic economy beginning to firmly strengthen recently, the cash rate [...]