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So far Bond Adviser has created 378 blog entries.
13 Jul, 2017

Accrued Interest: What is it and how does it work?

By |2017-07-13T02:35:28+10:00Jul 13, 2017|Education|

In context of bond valuations, accrued interest is defined as the difference between the dirty and clean price. It is the interest that has accrued but not been paid since the last payment date. In most cases securities are not traded on payment dates and therefore investors are entitled to the interest earned but have not received for the period [...]

13 Jul, 2017

Franking Credits in Fixed Income Investing (90 day holding period rule)

By |2021-09-24T10:43:38+10:00Jul 13, 2017|Education, Hybrids|

For investors of Australian shares, dividends paid to them by Australian resident companies are taxed under a system known as 'imputation'. It is called an imputation system because the tax paid by a company may be imputed or attributed to the shareholders. The tax paid by the company is allocated to shareholders by way of franking credits attached to the dividends [...]