28 May, 2015

S&P Lowers its Outlook from Positive to Stable on Goodman Group: Confirms our HOLD recommendation

By |2015-05-28T00:35:49+10:00May 28, 2015|Bonds, Hybrids|

S&P revised last week Goodman Group's outlook from Positive to Stable, while at the same time confirming its BBB long-term corporate credit rating. The change of outlook is due to the rating agency's assessment that Goodman's financial policy won't be as financially conservative and would be prepared to increase its look-through gearing to 40-45% in certain circumstances. The rating agency [...]

20 May, 2015

Exchange Traded Bond Units (“XTBs”) have launched

By |2015-05-20T05:37:34+10:00May 20, 2015|Bonds, Market Commentary|

Last week the Australian Corporate Bond Company formally launched their Exchange Traded Bond Units ("XTBs") offering retail investors access to corporate bonds on the Australian Securities Exchange. This product will change the way investors participate in fixed income markets which were historically restricted to wholesale investors. Here is a list of XTB's available as at 19 May 2015: ASX Code Underlying Bond Underlying Issuer YTMAZJ [...]

13 May, 2015

Bank shares or Bank Tier 1 hybrids – a question of choice!

By |2015-05-13T04:47:41+10:00May 13, 2015|Bonds, Hybrids, Market Commentary|

The last two weeks have seen a severe decline in the price of bank shares, a steepening in the yield curve and a slight widening in Tier 1 regulated Bank hybrid securities. As an example CBA’s PERLS VII is off 6.5% from its issue price and the common equity is off 15% from its high ($96.30). This gives investors the following yield choices: CBA special deposit [...]

13 May, 2015

Bond vs. Term Deposit Liquidity

By |2015-05-13T04:31:26+10:00May 13, 2015|Bonds, Deposits|

With the spotlight on lower term deposit yields we thought it worth focusing on their liquidity . Essentially, term deposits can be broken before maturity with the issuing bank. There is no broad market determining the price, just a single bank and their deposit pricing systems. The following is a real life example as at 11th May, 2015: Term deposit with  major bank yielding 3.3% [...]

12 May, 2015

Macau’s continued weak gaming revenues plus sizeable Capital Investment triggers a change in our recommendation for Crown Subordinated Notes

By |2015-05-12T11:28:14+10:00May 12, 2015|Bonds, Hybrids|

After a 39.4% decline in gaming revenue for the month of March and a 35% fall over the first 3 months of the year, the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau of Macau reported a 38.8% year on year decline in gross gaming revenue in April, the 11th consecutive monthly decline. In the first 4 months of 2015, Macau's gross gaming [...]

3 May, 2015

Transurban: Credit Rating Agencies enforce our Sell Recommendation

By |2015-05-03T20:58:59+10:00May 3, 2015|Bonds|

On April 30th, 2015, Transurban issued a press release regarding the Victorian Government announcement that it will progress Transurban's proposal to deliver a new Melbourne motorway (called the Western Distributor), which will provide an alternaive to the West Gate Bridge and will keep trucks off the city's inner west. On the same day, Standard & Poor's (S&P) announced that it [...]

30 Apr, 2015

Introduction to BondAdviser

By |2015-04-30T06:51:21+10:00Apr 30, 2015|Bonds, Deposits, Hybrids, Market Commentary|

BondAdviser is an independent investment research company that specialises in bonds and fixed income securities. We provide investors, advisers, brokers and institutions with research, data, education and tools to help them invest intelligently. Our service is delivered online via an easy-to-use portal. At BondAdviser, our goal is to lift the lid on the fixed income market so that more investors [...]

23 Apr, 2015

Rating agencies lower some of their commodity prices expectations – Impact on BHP Billiton

By |2021-09-09T11:09:37+10:00Apr 23, 2015|Bonds, Market Commentary|

Last week, the credit rating agency S&P placed eight iron ore miners, including BHP Billiton, on negative credit watch after it revised its three-year price predictions for iron-ore, the main commodity used in steel-making. Table 1. S&P revised Iron-Ore price expectations (in USD per metric ton) 2015 2016 2017 Before 65.00 65.00 70.00 Revised prices 45.00 50.00 55.00 At the [...]

17 Apr, 2015

Weekly Insights – 14 April 2015

By |2021-09-09T11:08:30+10:00Apr 17, 2015|Bonds, Federal Reserve, Market Commentary|

It was a quiet news week in terms of fundamentals for fixed income markets but economic and technical news continues to flow. Over the past week we have had a very large new issue from ANZ (AUD$2.5billion), minutes released from the US Federal Reserve FOMC meeting, implications from the iron ore price collapse and the AOFM selling their first inflation linked [...]

25 Mar, 2015

Keeping Up with the Market

By |2015-03-25T12:24:15+11:00Mar 25, 2015|Bonds|

Over the past few weeks the primary market has seen a flurry of activity with 5 different issuers coming to market. These securities are all different in structure, credit risk and trading terms. At BondAdviser we keep a close eye on the factors driving issuance and give users easy access to monitor the secondary market performance of these securities when [...]